We were aloud to put in a few things to do with sport and me and Pacis both like football so we decided to add in dribbling a football between the football goals. What do you think of our fitness circuit? Tell me what you think in the comments. See ya!
I was a pupil at St Francis of Assisi School and this blog is where I shared my learning.This blog has been archived, no further content will be uploaded or added. You are welcome to continue viewing posts, however commenting has been disabled.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Connor and Pacis' Fitness Circuit!
Hello and welcome back to my blog. This term we had to create our own fitness circuit to do at fitness time. I worked with my friend Pacis to get this task completed. Here is the finished project.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Term 3 driving question!
Hi again and welcome to term three. This term our PBL driving question is 'What will the Future Ask of Us?' Throughout the first two days of term, we have been learning about robots and what the future holds for us. We watched a video of a robot called Sophia singing with Jimmy Fallon. They sang 'Say Something' by A Great big World. Here is a link to the video. Sophia the Robot and Jimmy Fallon.
We also learnt about the biggest world problems today. We had to write down what we think the 5 biggest world problems are in a group. My group said: Global Warming, Poverty, Discrimination, War and Terrorism. We also watched a video on what the top world problems today are. Then we all shared back our answers and a few other people wrote stuff like: Over populating, Mental health and Unnecessary drugs / addictions.
What do you think today's biggest world problems are? Tell me in the comments. See ya.
We also learnt about the biggest world problems today. We had to write down what we think the 5 biggest world problems are in a group. My group said: Global Warming, Poverty, Discrimination, War and Terrorism. We also watched a video on what the top world problems today are. Then we all shared back our answers and a few other people wrote stuff like: Over populating, Mental health and Unnecessary drugs / addictions.
What do you think today's biggest world problems are? Tell me in the comments. See ya.
Friday, July 5, 2019
PBL Reflection
Hello and welcome back. In the last week of term we had to do a PBL showcase. We got to choose what we wanted to do but the topic had to stay the same. The topic was discrimination. I was working with a friend Dylan on a poetry slam. Here is a link to the final product on YouTube.
Dylan and Connor. We had to reflect on what we could do better. I thought we could talk more confidently and add more enthusiasm. What do you think I could do better on? Tell me what you think in the comments. See ya.
Dylan and Connor. We had to reflect on what we could do better. I thought we could talk more confidently and add more enthusiasm. What do you think I could do better on? Tell me what you think in the comments. See ya.
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Dianna Issac visit: Coding
Hi and welcome back to my blog. In week 7 I went to Diana Isaac to show my coding to the elderly people there.
![Image result for diana isaac retirement village](https://www.villageguide.co.nz/images/Retirement%20Villages/Canterbury/Christchurch/Ryman%20Healthcare/Diana%20Isaac%20Retirement%20Village/Village%20grounds.jpg?Action=thumbnail&Width=1200&Height=800)
I presented some projects that I had shared and some on my unshared list. I show a project on scratch called mining tycoon. And the cool thing is I wasn't the one always talking and I also got juice and some biscuits. Have you ever been to a retirement village to show you learning? Tell me in the comments. See ya.
![Image result for diana isaac retirement village](https://www.villageguide.co.nz/images/Retirement%20Villages/Canterbury/Christchurch/Ryman%20Healthcare/Diana%20Isaac%20Retirement%20Village/Village%20grounds.jpg?Action=thumbnail&Width=1200&Height=800)
I presented some projects that I had shared and some on my unshared list. I show a project on scratch called mining tycoon. And the cool thing is I wasn't the one always talking and I also got juice and some biscuits. Have you ever been to a retirement village to show you learning? Tell me in the comments. See ya.
Self portrait challenge!
Hi and welcome back. In week 9 we were asked to do a self portrait challenge. Me and my friend Christopher we very passionate about this and we tried really hard to get it done and look amazing. On the day we were asked by the teachers to show ours to the whole hub. This is my finished project.
Tell me what you think. Does this look like me or not? Tell me in the comments. See ya.
Tell me what you think. Does this look like me or not? Tell me in the comments. See ya.
Winter Sport Football!
Hello and welcome back to my blog. Throughout the term we have been doing winter sport. People had the choose of Rugby, Football, Hockey or Netball. I choose football and got put in the C team. I personally think it is the better team because we have lots of fun on the field and really cool players that are very funny. We go to Hagley park and my team plays near Hagley oval most times. ![Image result for hagley park](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/88/Hagley_Oval_2007_-_from_HagleyParkAerialPhoto.jpg/300px-Hagley_Oval_2007_-_from_HagleyParkAerialPhoto.jpg)
So far we have won three games and lost four or five games. It is really fun to play at Hagley park. What winter sport do you play? Tell me about it in the comments. See ya.
![Image result for hagley park](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/88/Hagley_Oval_2007_-_from_HagleyParkAerialPhoto.jpg/300px-Hagley_Oval_2007_-_from_HagleyParkAerialPhoto.jpg)
So far we have won three games and lost four or five games. It is really fun to play at Hagley park. What winter sport do you play? Tell me about it in the comments. See ya.
Reading create task for week 7!
Hi guys welcome back. In week 7 for reading we had to do make a Venn diagram about one of the three storeys on stuff. I did the Australian ball tampering. This the Venn diagram.
What do you think about the Australian ball tampering? Tell me what you think in the comments. See ya.
Stairs to squares Problem solving video!
Kia Ora and welcome back to my blog. In week 5 we had to do a maths video but present it in week 7. It was based on the stairs to squares problem solving task from week 5. Here is the video if you want to watch it.
If the video is unavailable watch it on a new tab with this link. Maths Video
Do you think you could answer these questions? If you think you can don't watch the answer part and just answer the questions. See ya.
Breaking in to Breakout EDU!
Kia Ora and welcome back to another blog post. In week 6 we had to do a Breakout EDU. But the weird thing is your not breaking out, your breaking in.
![Image result for breakoutedu](https://www.edtechteam.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/breakouteduuuu.jpg)
This one was based on the book wonder.
![Image result for wonder](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/67/Wonder_%28film%29.png)
My team was on the last day and we got the best record of the whole hub. If you have done Breakout EDU how long did yours take? Tell me in the comments. Good Bye.
Catch Carmen Sandiego on Google Earth!
Hello and welcome back to my blog. In week five we had to do a bingo card and get one of each topics done. There 4 different things you had to do but you had a choice for the extracurricular choices and the reading choices.
![Related image](https://tyroneeagleeyenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/maxresdefault-1-900x506.jpg)
For my extracurricular task I choose to do Carmen Sandiego on Google Earth. Here is a link. Carmen Sandiego. There is a twist in it that you will get if you try it. How long did it take for you to do it if you did it? Tell me about it the comments. See ya.
![Related image](https://tyroneeagleeyenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/maxresdefault-1-900x506.jpg)
For my extracurricular task I choose to do Carmen Sandiego on Google Earth. Here is a link. Carmen Sandiego. There is a twist in it that you will get if you try it. How long did it take for you to do it if you did it? Tell me about it the comments. See ya.
Free Wednesday off because of teacher strike day!
Kia Ora and welcome back to my blog. In week 5 on Wednesday we had the day off because of teacher strike day. I stayed at home the whole time and finally got to sleep in my bed. I also played with my puppy and he is adorable. Here is a picture of him and his brother that my cousins got.
My mum didn't go to the teacher protest even though she is a teacher. She had to look after herself me and my brother because we were all sick. What did you do on that day? Tell me in the comments. Other wise Good bye.
Week 4 Problem Solving task!
Hello and welcome back to my blog. In week 4 our maths was to answer the problem solving questions and we got to pick which question to do.
Most of the questions were based around tennis and how much each person got paid. The first question was: In the longest game of tennis 154 games were played. If the match went for 14 hours in total how many games were played on average per hour? The answer is 11 because 154 divided by 14 equals 11.
What type of problem solving have you done? Tell me in the comments. See ya.
![Related image](https://unixtitan.net/images/problem-clipart-2.gif)
What type of problem solving have you done? Tell me in the comments. See ya.
My reading workshop for Week 4!
Kia Ora! Hoki Mai to my blog. If you don't know what Hoki Mai means, it is welcome back. In week four we had to make a prediction flow chart to show predictions in our story we read. Here is what I made.
Here is a link to the book if you don't understand what this is all about. Mata i Pusi
What did you predict the book would be about before you read it? Mihi mo inaianei. Goodbye for now.
Technology at Linwood College technology centre!
Hello again and welcome back to my blog. In year 7 and 8 we get the privilege to go to Linwood College technology centre. We got put into 3 different groups and got put into one of four different classes. In term one I was put into the word work group and we created a Papa Hou. This term we were moved into the foods group. First we made a wrap and then moved onto the hard stuff. ![Image result for food wrap]()
We then made pizza bread in the second week and the cool thing is you can get the recipe for the food and then you can make it at home. I have nearly all the recipes. And another cool thing is that all the food is healthy and delicious. What is your favourite recipe that you make at home? Tell me in the comments. See ya.
We then made pizza bread in the second week and the cool thing is you can get the recipe for the food and then you can make it at home. I have nearly all the recipes. And another cool thing is that all the food is healthy and delicious. What is your favourite recipe that you make at home? Tell me in the comments. See ya.
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