
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Learning how to Inference! Reading Week 11!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. This week for reading we were learning about inferencing. The goal we had was: Independently predict, interpret and analyse text, 'reading between the lines' to gain deeper meaning. This is what we had to make:
Would you use this if you needed help with inferencing? Tell me in the comments. Goodbye.

We have four goals for maths this week!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. This week for maths we had four different goals to achieve this week. These are the goals: 

Relate 3D models to 2D representations, and vice versa, Identify
and describe 2D and 3D shapes using mathematical language,
Identify and sort 2D and 3D shapes into classes. Define the properties of the shapes and justify the decisions made, Represent objects with drawings and models.

We had to do many things.
  1. We had to create two different shapes and one of them needed to be a net. The first one is the net of a icosihedron. The next is of a icosidodecahedron.
  2. Next we had to classify nine different shapes. 
  3. Then finally we had to create two different shapes out of multi-link cubes. These are the pictures. 
Have you ever made these types of shapes before? Tell me in the comments below. Goodbye. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Area, Volume and Perimeter! Maths for week 10!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. This week for maths we had to create a DLO that showed the goals from last weeks workshop. I had to do the same workshop again so I did. I did do different tasks though. This is the DLO: 
Have you ever had to work out the area of a triangle before? It is averagely hard. Tell me in the comments. Goodbye. 

The Diary of Logan Alpine! Writing in week 10!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. For writing this week we had to write a story that has three different types of sentences. Metaphors, Onomatopoeia and Personification. The goal for writing this week was: use language features specific to the purpose of the text. We had to write a short story but my one has 1344 words. This is what I wrote:

The Diary of Logan Alpine

July 31st 1948, 12:34pm

My name is Mr Logan Alpine. I am an Arctic researcher going on an exploration for a lost town in the Tundra. It all started on June 24th 1928. The day I got my job as an Archaeologist. I arrived at the lab to see an empty desk sitting right where I should. My bag fell onto the ground with a thump as I pulled my note book out and a map. I stapled the map against the wall and punched some pins with string on them into the map. I had then done many other things since then. I have recently been researching on the Tundra town and the Holy spear. But today I got told by my boss, Sir Jenson Windsor, that I would be proving my research about the Tundra town by finding it and reporting back to him. And so the adventure started. 

August 5th 1948, 7:30am

I arrived at the lab and saw a minor Boeing N2S Stearman plane was parked on the planes railway track. The only reason the Boeing N2S Stearman was there was because, the HMS Archer, was parked in a dock in Norway, and we were in Iceland. We packed the luggage into the Boeing N2S Stearman, and then took off for Norway. 

August 5th 1948, 6:32pm

It was a long trip as the weather was not that good. Fog was everywhere and the driver could hardly see a thing. The good thing was that the lab in Iceland had asked the transport system to call off any flights between Iceland and Norway or flights that would get in between. The plane landed in Stavanger, which was where the HMS Archer was said to be. I grabbed my luggage and packed all of it into the carriage and left off to the dock. It was surprisingly hot in Norway today so I took off my Parka and trousers. I did have another layer underneath if you were worrying. The boat was docked up next to a giant jetty with a ramp up to the top of the cargo ship. The carriage driver dropped my bags and luggage off onto the jetty. He then sat back down and the horse walked him back to the edge of the jetty. I got on the cargo ship with my luggage. I set up my room in the ship and then we started to sail. 

August 10th 1948, 3:07pm

There was ice everywhere. A huge ice spike was floating in the water. I took out my binoculars and saw land. We hit the icy land and then placed the ramp down. I stumbled off the ramp and onto the icy floor. I nearly slipped over when I first placed my foot on the ice. I bent down and rubbed my gloves against the freezing ice. The driver brought down my bags and put them on the muskox, Musk. Musk had all of my stuff packed onto him. The driver climbed back aboard the ship and started to take off. The ship drifted in the water away from the big chunk of ice. I opened my notebook and flipped to the page that I had all my research on. I had a mini map of the arctic that I had drawn and a had circled the top possibilities of where the town could be. I climbed aboard Musk and we slowly made our way into the land. 

August 10th 1948, 6:23pm

It was starting to get dark so I decided to stop and set up camp for the day. I found a small cave that was only 5 metres in depth so I decided to set up there. I got some more snow and blocked up the entrance. Musk lay down in the corner as I pulled out some dry twigs and stones that I packed in my bag. The sparks from the flint and steel were very bright. I pulled my sleeping bag and a stretcher from Musk and slept for the night. 

August 11th 1948, 8:47am

I woke with a start as Musk made a very loud sound and ran into the snow wall I made, toppling it over. I jumped to grab him but completely missed. Musk had taken off in the direction of the town. Some of my stuff had fallen off the Musk as he ran into the ice. I grabbed the stuff and started to walk towards the town. I reached into my bag for binoculars and saw Musk in the distance running into the snow storm. I stumbled in the snow as the stuff I had in my bag had weighed me down a lot. I didn’t give up so I headed to the snow storm as the town was said to be on the other side. 

August 19th 1948, 5:22am

The wind was still howling as I woke up in another cave I had found. I started off again and went more into the snow storm. I thought I had found it but I hadn’t ... 

August 20th 1948, 11:36am

I woke up to see a big man standing over top of me. I rubbed my eyes but it was still blurry. The man was holding an axe and was chopping wood right next to me. I little piece of wood had hit me in the head and I finally got up and rubbed my head. I looked around at my surroundings. Around me was a village. The tundra town. I had made it. The man had walked away for some reason but I needed him so I ran after him. I saw him in the distance holding a lead with a giant animal on it. “Is this one yours?” he asked. I looked at the creature and saw all my stuff attached. “Yes. Thank you for looking after him,” I replied. He handed me the lead and I grabbed it off him. I pulled the walkie talkie out of the side pocket and spook into it, “I have found the town. Bring the helicopter over to my coordinates.” 

August 21st 1948, 6:59am

The whirring sound of the helicopters propellers woke me up very quickly. I got out of the house I had slept in. The heli landed and we packed our stuff onto the chopper. Sadly, Musk had to stay because he was too big. 

“Goodbye Musk. You will always be my very furry best friend.” It was sad to go without Musk but this is what had to happen. We took off and I watched Musk fade away into the distance. I pulled out my map and pin pointed the town. I marked where it was and then drew a picture of a muskox. Just incase I forgot. 

September 4th 1948, 8:43am

I arrived at the lab after a two week leave. I hadn’t seen the lab since I got back from the exploration. The lab sounded very quiet and abandoned for some reason. Suddenly a banner fell from the roof and everyone I worked with jumped out from behind tables. I think my discovery had been reported everywhere. I liked it like that. Suddenly Sir Jenson Windsor came past and gave a briefcase. I opened it to find a huge number of money. “What are you going to do now?” he asked. “I think I might go live in the tundra.” “Good choice,” Jenson replied. So I made my way to the chopper with my bags. 

September 4th 1948, 7:31pm

I arrived at the town to see Musk in an stable with water and food. We landed on the ground and I ran over to Musk and hugged him hard. I talked with the owner of the stable and he helped me build a house just 10 metres from the village and a stable next to it with a roof for Musk. So I will live the rest of my life here in the one place I wanted to find. 

Have you ever wrote a story this long before? Tell me in the comments below. Goodbye.

How to be normal! Reading for week 10!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. This week for reading we were learning about synthesising. Synthesising is when we read a text and then change our thinking about the text we have read. The goal was: Think while reading, pick up new information, and come up with new ideas and new thinking. We had to create a DLO that showed what Synthesising means. This is what I made:
What do you think normal means? Tell me in the comments. Goodbye.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Reading in week 8! Designing acrostic poem, book cover and diary entry!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. This week for reading we had a different thing to do. We had to have read a book and make something about. We had to make three different things. These are what I made. 

1. Fowl Twins acrostic poem: 
2. Harry Potter diary entry: 

Harry Potter Diary Entry

23rd of July 1991

Today was a weird day for me. Today I got a letter from a very weird place. It came from a school called Hogwarts. I had never heard of it so I went to open the letter and my annoying cousin Dudley just had to ruin it by grabbing the letter and yelling, “Harry's got a letter!” Then it got worse. My uncle Vernon grabbed the letter and questioned me about it. Then burnt it. 

30th of July 1991

Today is Sunday. And that means no letters today. But the one thing I hated was when my uncle had to rub it in my face. I had been getting letters all week and watching Vernon burning them or cutting them up. But today there would be none of that. Until there was. I brought the cookies, that my aunt Petunia had made, over to my uncle who was sitting there with an evil, smug look on his face. “Fine day Sunday. What happens on Sunday Dudley?” Vernon aksed. Dudley just stuffed himself with a cookie and shrugged. I replied with, “Theres no mail on Sunday.” “Yes, right you are Harry. No mail on Sunday. No sir.” But that was when it got interesting. Suddenly letters from Hogwarts came flying through everything. Literally everywhere. The chimney, the toaster, the door and even the oven. Vernon went crazy and sent us to a new house where the letters wouldn’t come. 

31st of July 1991

I was still awake as it hit 12:00am on my birthday. I had drawn a birthday cake on the ground with the dust. Then I blew out the dust candles. Suddenly I heard the door banging. I got out of my sleeping bag and hid behind the wall. The door collapsed on the ground and a giant of a man strolled into the house as if he could just walk in whenever. Vernon and Petunia came down the stairs with a shotgun and Dudley stood in the middle of the room. “You’ve grown a lot since I last saw you, Harry. Especially round the middle.” “I…  I’ m not Harry,” stuttered Dudley. “I’m Harry.” I stepped around the corner. “Well of course you are.” The giant reached into his pocket and handed me a box. “Happy Birthday.” I opened the box and inside was a cake the said, ‘Happee Birthday Harry.’ “Thanks. Who exactly are you?” “I am Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys at Hogwarts. You have probably heard a lot about that place.” “No. No I haven’t,” I replied. Then my uncle butted in. “I am not having him go to a school for a old man to teach him magic tricks!” Then Hagrid got mad. “How dare you speak about Albus Dumbledore to me like that.” Hagrid pulled out his umbrella and pointed it at Dudley who had started eating the cake. Then Dudley grew a pigs tail and started to scream like a pig. Hagrid handed me a letter and said, “Are you coming?” Hagrid walked out the door and I walked out as well. 

3. Rat burger new book cover design: 
Have you ever read these books? Have you ever made something like these before? Tell me in the comments. Goodbye. 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Learning how to write in show not tell!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. This week for writing we had to use show not tell. But instead of writing a whole narrative we created a DLO (Digital Learning Object) that shows the meaning of show not tell and some examples. 
Have you ever had to recreate sentences using show not tell? Tell me in the comments. Goodbye. 

The disappearing world! Writing for week 8!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. This week for writing we had to create a narrative. We had to use Pobble 365 to get the inspiration. Then we had to write the story. This is my story. 

The Disappearing World

The cries and screaming of people disappearing into the void was all Ollie heard as he ran in the opposite direction. Ollie was a kid who had brought doom onto our planet. Of course this story isn’t real because this story is set back in 1847 and we are still here. Anyway, Ollie had brought doom to Earth. He ran in the opposite direction hoping that he could find somewhere to hide or escape. 

But we don’t yet know what happened. It was back on the 5th of June 1841, Ollie’s fifth birthday, as he was in 1847, 11 years old. For his fifth birthday he got himself a horse. It was helpful because his best friend, from Kindergarten, Alex lived on the other side of the town right next to school. You may be thinking there are things called cars you realise, but this is in 1847 and we didn’t have cars back then. Anyway Ollie loved his horse very much until it died. It was shot dead when Ollie and his father Charles went on a hunting trip and the horse got scared and got in the way of a bullet. But this isn’t why were here. Ollie went to go for a walk and found a spaceship crashed in the bushes. Ollie dove into a bush and peered through the leaves and saw humanoid creatures trying to rebuild their crashed spaceship. The humanoids climbed aboard the ship and started to lift off. Since Ollie didn’t know what to do he just picked up a stone and threw it at the ship. It hit something and the ship collapsed into a mountain with a gigantic explosion. Charles yelled out to Ollie from the other side of the forest and Ollie ran through the forest into Charles’ arms. 

That is not the full story though. A year later Ollie had found a cave in the crater of were the UFO had crashed in the mountain. Ollie and Alex walked into the cave to find a long, winding staircase. The two walked down the stairs and saw a ball of yellow light in the centre of the Earth. Can you guess what it is called? The centre of the Earth. Anyway, they saw the orb and then Alex threw a stick at it. A shockwave threw Ollie and Alex back against the wall and knocked them out completely. 

Three weeks later. 

Ollie woke up in the towns hospital wing to see Alex in the bed next to him. Alex had a massive bruise on his head and a cast around his arm. Ollie had a cast around his arm and his leg. He also had a bandage around his head. Alex had a tray with a loaf of bread and a glass of milk. Ollie was laktosintolerant so he couldn’t drink milk or have bread. A nurse walked into the room and spook to Alex about something. Although the bandage around Ollie’s head stopped him from hearing what they were saying. 

“Hello Master Oliver Barker, you are finally awake,” the nurse spook very calmly to Ollie as his head was very sore and she knew he would be in pain. Suddenly Charles stormed through the door screaming and yelling. 

“You silly boys! What were you thinking?! Walking to the centre of the Earth! That is insane!” Charles’ face was as red as a tomato. He was so enraged you could literally see steam coming out of his ears and nose. 

“We are very sorry, father,” Ollie held his head low as his father kept screaming and yelling. 

“You should be!” Charles screamed in Ollie’s face. 

“Excuse me Mr Barker, I am very sorry but you are going to have to leave,” the nurse exclaimed. Charles was so enraged he started to trash half the room. Luckily there were police in the building and they came in and arrested him. 

Well that is all we know. First aliens blowing up and throwing a stick at the centre of Earth. But none of these things that we mentioned is what caused the world to start disappearing. It was a natural thing that normally occurred in space, not in the Andromeda galaxy. Yes this is not a normal Earth. This is 1847 years after the collision of the Milky Way and Andromeda. Anyway the thing that occurred was none other than a worm hole. It was invisible to the naked eye but Ollie could see it clearly. Everyone else saw it as the void. He ran as fast as he could to the mountain that the alien spacecraft had landed. Ollie climbed up the mountain and saw the crater not that far away. Although neither was the worm hole. As he was on the edge of the crater he looked behind and saw none other than the prison being sucked up by the worm hole. Someone that looked familiar was floating in the air. He squinted and saw Charles Barker being sucked into the worm hole. 

“Dad! No!” Ollie watched as his fathers life ended right in front of hisz eyes. He would never see his father again. Ollie’s eyes watered up as he dashed to the spacecraft. He got inside and saw to his delight, Alex working on the main control box. 

“Alex!” Ollie yelled dashing to his friend. 

“Hello Oliver,” Alex was working on the main control and then stood up, “Its finished. We can escape.” 

“Lets go then,” Ollie jumped with excitement that he would leave. The ship started up and Alex piloted the ship out of the crater. Suddenly the ship made a beeping sound and the engine failed. The ship fell out of the air and into the void. But not all was lost. 

Have you ever wrote a narrative like this before? Tell me in the comments below. Goodbye.

Writing about a robot maker!

Hello and welcome back to my blog. In week 7 for writing we had to write a short character description story. Then for the create task, the DLO (Digital Learning Object) we wrote our own short character description story. This is my story. 
Have you ever wrote a story like this before? Tell me in the comments. Goodbye. 

First week back to normal! Reading about wind chimes!

Kia Ora! Haere mai and welcome back to my blog. In week 7 for reading we read a book called wind chimes. It is about two kids who were kidnapped and then they escaped from the people that took them. We had to create a DLO (Digital Learning Object) that shows the relationship between the two characters. This is what I made. 
Have you read this book before? Tell me in the comments. Goodbye. 

Back to normal! Maths in week 8!

Hello and welcome back to my blog. In week 8 for maths I was learning about area. We had to create a DLO (Digital Learning Object) that shows the meaning of area. This is what I made. 
I added in the questions so you know what I was answering. Have you ever made something like this before? Tell me in the comments. Goodbye. 

Maths for week 7! First week back to normal!

Hello and welcome back to my blog. In week seven we finally got back to the way things normally were in the kaupeka hub. We had workshops, we would timetable, it was all back to normal. In week 7 for maths we had to make a resource for others to use. This is what I made. 
Would you ever use this if you were stuck and needed help with stuff that is one here? Tell me in the comments below. Goodbye. 

Finally back at school! Maths for week 9!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. This week for maths we had many different goals to try and tick off. The goals I had to do were: 

1.Use side or edge lengths to find the perimeters of rectangles,parallelograms, and triangles.

2.Use a variety of strategies to calculate the area of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles.

3.Use side or edge lengths to find the volumes of cuboids.

4.Convert between metric units, using whole numbers and commonly used decimals.

5.Use appropriate scales, devices, and metric units to accurately measure length.

6.Use appropriate scales, devices, and metric units for weight (mass).

7.Use appropriate scales, devices, and metric units for temperature.

We had seven different goals to tick off. For the create we just had to create a DLO (Digital Learning Object) that showed that we had done the goals. This is what I made:
Have you ever had to measure this many things before or make something like this before? If so tell me in the comments. Goodbye.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Finally back at school! Reading for week 9!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. This week for reading we had to create a DLO that proves that we showed these three goals. Identify some text events and features, and discuss what they make the reader think about. Identify at least one important idea and justify why it is important. Identify several ideas, discuss the author's stance or purpose, and understand relationships in the text. 
This is the DLO that I made.
I think that it is bad what people have done to people with different coloured skin. What do you think about this? Tell me in the comments below. Bye